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Transfer Responsibilities Tool

The Transfer Responsibilities Tool provides a way to transfer selected responsibilities from one user to another. This is especially useful if a staff member retires and another staff member takes over their job duties.

  • The tool is available on the Users page or any pages that display users. It does not require you to select users first.
  • You'll select two users: one "From User" and one "To User". You can't divide responsibilities among multiple users. However, you can use the tool to print the information without processing the removal or transfer. Review the departing user's responsibilities and strategically plan how to assign their work.
  • The tool identifies all the rights and records that currently belong to the user leaving their role, and you can select which ones to remove or reassign to the other user.
  • Certain responsibilities are static and you can't configure them using a parameter. You must assign these to the To User. See more information under Configurable & Static Responsibilities.
  • Once you complete the transfer, the tool removes responsibilities from the departing user. Depending on your selections, the tool either deletes them or transfers them to the other user.
  • Consider the appropriate timing for using this tool! Remember that the departing user will no longer have rights to Platform, and the other user will immediately assume these rights.

Gif showing an example of selecting which responsibilities to transfer between the From User and the To User

Note: To use this tool, you must have access through your security role. SPoCs can grant user access to this tool.

Configurable & Static Responsibilities

Here's a complete list of records and fields that may be affected by this tool, assuming they currently apply to the From User. SPoCs should review these before taking action.

Configurable Responsibilities

The following are the responsibilities you can choose to delete (by default) or reassign to the To User. Deletions and transfers will not happen until you click Remove/Transfer Rights & Records.

Important: Be sure to review these responsibilities before you transfer them to the receiving person. It may create a security issue if you accidentally grant the receiving person access to high security areas.
Security Roles
  • Reassign: Security Roles will be transferred from the departing User and given to the receiving User.
  • Delete: Security Roles will be removed from the departing User.
  • Reassign: Dashboard Charts will be transferred from the departing User and given to the receiving User.
  • Delete: Dashboard Charts will be removed from the departing User.
  • Reassign: Contacts for which the departing User is a delegate will be transferred to the receiving User.
  • Delete: Contacts for which the departing User is a delegate will be removed.
Global Filters
  • Reassign: Global Filters will be transferred from the departing User and given to the receiving User.
  • Delete: Global Filters will be removed from the departing User.
User Groups
  • Reassign: User Groups will be transferred from the departing User and given to the receiving User.
  • Delete: User Groups will be removed from the departing User.
Page Views
  • Reassign: Page Views explicitly associated with the departing User will be transferred and given to the receiving User.
  • Delete: Page Views explicitly associated with the departing User will be left alone and remain associated with that User.
Subpage Views
  • Reassign: Sub-Page Views explicitly associated with the departing User will be transferred and given to the receiving User.
  • Delete: Sub-Page Views explicitly associated with the departing User will be left alone and remain associated with that User.
Notifications (Page View, Subpage View, Record, and Selection)
  • Reassign: Notifications will be transferred from the departing User and given to the receiving User.
  • Delete: Notifications will be removed from the departing User unless those Notifications have an associated Template or User Group. Notifications containing Templates or User Groups are ineligible for removal and will always be transferred to the receiving User.

Static Responsibilities

If the following responsibilities exist for the From User, the action indicated below will take place.

Important: Be sure to review these responsibilities before you transfer them to the receiving person. It may create a security issue if you accidentally grant the receiving person access to high security areas.
Incomplete Tasks to Transfer
Incomplete Tasks will be transferred from the departing User and given to the receiving User.
Group Primary Contact
Active Groups for which the departing User is a Primary Contact will be transferred to the receiving User.
Event Primary Contact
Current and future Events for which the departing User is a Primary Contact will be transferred to the receiving User.
Opportunity Primary Contact
Current and future or ongoing Opportunities for which the departing User is a Primary Contact will be transferred to the receiving User.
Program Primary Contact
Current Programs for which the departing User is a Primary Contact will be transferred to the receiving User.
Ministry Primary Contact
Current Ministries for which the departing User is a Primary Contact will be transferred to the receiving User.
Form Primary Contact
Current Forms for which the departing User is a Primary Contact will be transferred to the receiving User.
Process Manager
Any Process for which the departing User is a Process Manager will be transferred to the receiving User.
Process Steps Task Owner
Any Process for which the departing User is identified in a Process Step as "Task Owner" will be transferred to the receiving User.
Process Steps to Specific Contact
Any Process for which the departing User is identified in a Process Step as "To Specific Contact" will be transferred to the receiving User.
Congregation Contact
Current Congregations for which the departing User is a Congregation Contact will be transferred to the receiving User.
Congregation Pastor
Current Congregations for which the departing User is a Pastor will be transferred to the receiving User.
Congregation Plan a Visit User
Current Congregations for which the departing User is a Plan A Visit User will be transferred to the receiving User.
Template User
Any Template for which the departing User is a Template User will be transferred to the receiving User.
Template From Contact
Any Template for which the departing User is a From Contact will be transferred to the receiving User.
Template Reply to Contact
Any Template for which the departing User is a Reply To Contact will be transferred to the receiving User.
Planned Contact Manager
Any Planned Contact for which the departing User is a Manager will be transferred to the receiving User.
Planned Contact Next Contact By
Any Planned Contact for which the departing User is identified as "Next Contact By" will be transferred to the receiving User.
Building Coordinator
Any Building for which the departing User is the Building Coordinator will be transferred to the receiving User.
Household Care Person
Any Household for which the departing User is the Care Person will be transferred to the receiving User.
Care Cases
Current Care Cases for which the departing User is the Case Manager will be transferred to the receiving User.
Any Event Service for which the departing User is the Contact will be transferred to the receiving User.
Active Procedures for which the departing User is the designated User will be transferred to the receiving User.
Publications Moderator
Any Publication for which the departing User is the Moderator will be transferred to the receiving User.
If the departing User has Admin set to Yes on their User record, this will be set to Yes on the receiving User's record.
Setup Admin
If the departing User has Setup Admin set to Yes on their User record, this will be set to Yes on the receiving User's record.
Can Impersonate
If the departing User has Can Impersonate set to Yes on their User record, this will be set to Yes on the receiving User's record.
Any User which lists the departing User as their Supervisor will be transferred under the supervision of the receiving User.

Transfer Responsibilities from One User to Another

CAUTION: This tool affects many areas of Platform and should be used with caution.
  1. Go to the Users page or a page that display users.
  2. From the Tools menu, select Transfer Responsibilities.
  3. In the drop-down lists, select the From User (whose responsibilities you are copying from) and the To User (who you are transferring responsibilities to). These must be two different users.
    The tool displays the responsibilities that are currently associated with the From User.
  4. To review all user responsibilities before taking action, click Print at the bottom. You can print it out on paper or save a digital copy. All information displayed in the tool will be printed.
    Note: "Delete" is the default action and will display on the printout until you make a selection in the tool.
  5. Under Configurable Responsibilities, expand each category to see the related responsibilities. For each item, select the option under the Reassign column if you want to transfer it to the user. Otherwise, it will be deleted.
    Tip: Click Delete or Reassign in the header to select the option for all categories.
    • To view more details about an item, click the hyperlinked record ID. This opens a new tab in your browser (so you don't lose your place in the tool) and displays that record in Platform.
    • If the From User does not have one of the responsibilities listed, it displays in gray, italicized text with "(0)" beside it. This indicates that no action is needed on your part.
  6. Under Static Responsibilities, you'll see the items that automatically reassign to the To User. You don't need to do anything for these, but be sure to review them.
  7. To keep a record of the Delete or Reassign selections you made before processing, click Print to get a physical or digital copy.
  8. When you're ready, click Remove/Transfer Rights & Records.
  9. Review the warning before proceeding, then click Remove/Transfer Rights & Records.

The From User's responsibilities are removed, and they no longer have rights to Platform. The To User immediately assumes the selected rights, and any responsibilities you selected for deletion are deleted.

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