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Care Cases & Household Care Log

An example of the General section of a Care Case log
  • Care Cases and Household Care Log entries work together so you can manage care for your community.
  • Think of a Care Case record as a summary of the overall situation, while a Household Care Log record as record the individual interactions within that overall situation. For example, the single Care Case of "Aaron Smith's Broken Leg" may have several Household Care Log entries that record the various phone calls or visits made to Aaron during his recovery.
  • You can assign Care Cases to a Care Manager who oversees the case as a whole, whether they provide care themselves or oversee those providing care.
  • Manage Care Cases in CareLife.

Initial Setup for Care

  • A SPoC must complete one-time initial setup to insert some of the drop-down lists in Care Cases and Household Care Log entries.
  1. Go to Care Cases > Care Case Types.
  2. Create or edit Care Case Types. Use these categories for Care Cases.
    Death in the Family, Physical Injury, Marital Issues, New Mother Care
  3. Go to Care Cases > Case Types.
  4. Create or edit Care Types. Use these categories for Household Care Log entries.
    Household Visit, Hospital Visit, Benevolence, Phone Call, Check-In Note
  5. Go to System Lookups > Care Outcomes.
  6. Create or edit Care Outcomes. Use these categories for Household Care Log entries.

Create a Care Case Record

  • The Contact field on the Care Case record is a custom field that you can add to your system. Contact Support to get started.
  1. In MinistryPlatform, go to Care Cases > Care Cases.
  2. Click New Care Case.
  3. Enter the necessary details.
  4. Click Save.

Add a New Care Case

Care Case Administrators can add new Care Cases through Care Life. The Care Case Manager can add a Care Case to one of their Care Households.
  1. In Care Life, go to your dashboard.
  2. Click + near the top.
  3. Provide the details.
  4. Click Save.