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Create Deposit Tool

With the Create Deposit tool, you can create one or multiple deposits for one or more batches.

Note: The Create Deposit tool replaces the Create Deposit From Selected Batches report. While both are available, we recommend using the Create Deposit tool exclusively.
  • The tool is available on the Batches page and you can launch it from a selection of records or an open record.
  • You can choose to:
    • Create one deposit for the selection, which results in one deposit no matter how many batches you selected, or
    • Create one deposit per batch, which results in multiple deposits if you selected more than one batch.
  • If any of the following are true for any selected batch, you're prompted to correct the issue:
    • The batch is already associated with a deposit.
    • The batch does not contain any donations.
    • The batch amount doesn't match the sum of its donation amounts.
    • A donation in the batch doesn't contain any donation distributions.
    • A donation in the batch doesn't match the sum of its donation distribution amounts.
  • Creating a large deposit? The Create Deposit button disables once you click it so you know the deposit is processing.
  • After you create a deposit, you'll see a success message. You can find the new deposit on the Deposits page.

Screenshot of the Create Deposit tool displaying the selected batch information and options for the deposit

Note: To use this tool, you must have access through your security role. SPoCs can grant user access to this tool.

Watch & Learn

Learn how to use the Create Deposit Tool to enter your deposits from MinistryPlatform into Realm Accounting.

Create a Deposit

  1. In the navigation menu, click Contributions > Batches.
  2. Open the batch or select batches.
  3. From the Tools menu, select Create Deposit.
  4. Review the summary information to be sure you have the correct batches selected.
  5. Enter a name for the deposit. This name can be up to 75 characters.
  6. Set the date. It defaults to the current date, but you can click the calendar icon to change it.
  7. Select whether to create one deposit per batch.
    • When you select this option, the tool places each batch into its own deposit. If you selected more than one batch, the tool creates multiple deposits.
    • When cleared, the tool creates one deposit containing all of the selected batches. This is the default.
  8. Click Create Deposit.
    A success message displays.
  9. Close the tool.

You created the deposit with the given information, and the batches associate with it. You can find it on the Deposits page.

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