MP Video 1
Help Center
Get an overview of all the features of your MinistryPlatform Help Center!
In a continuous effort to improve your experience, we've been reviewing the language used in MinistryPlatform. A few items stuck out to us, and we want to change those terms to align better with the intended usage.
If you've been looking for a volunteer management solution, here's your chance to see what we have coming!
MinistryPlatform can help you to help others in times of need! With Need Connect (part of our Life Apps), you can enable people to request assistance and assign others to provide assistance.
Need a little extra help with a certain task? Check out the MP Video Library!
We offer a variety of support options to handle many of your how-to questions. If self-service options do not answer your questions, our support specialists can talk you through in-depth, personalized troubleshooting.
Whether you're just getting started or looking for expertise to support your staff and operations, we offer various paid services. Learn what's available based on the products you're subscribed to.
MinistrySmart offers a variety of software and professional training options, including personalized training, MinistrySmart Academy, and MinistrySmart Community.
This reference guide provides detailed information on compatible forms and hardware for our software products, including printers, scanners, check readers, and more. Where available, it offers purchasing options through affiliate links, outlines OS compatibility, lists compatible software products, and provides installation and setup instructions.
We encourage our ministry partners to submit suggestions for improvement or new features. We're always excited to hear from those of you who'd like to participate in live research sessions.
Get an overview of all the features of your MinistryPlatform Help Center!
See how the Template Editor Tool incorporates AI to generate text and images for you.
Walk through a demonstration of how to set up Domain Authentication in SendGrid.