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Create Household Care Log Tool

With the Create Household Care Log tool, staff and lay leaders can quickly log household care needs without being able to see other household care entries.

  • The tool is available on the Contacts, Participants, or Households pages.
  • You can launch the tool on its own, from a selection of records, or from an open record.
  • After saving, you create a new entry in the Platform with the information provided.
  • If a selected contact does not have a household, the tool creates a Household record for them.
  • Using this tool, you can add the following:
    • Care Type: A required drop-down list populated from Care Cases > Care Types.
    • Contact: The Contact record associated with the selected Household members.
    • Provided By: A required field showing who provided the care. Defaults to the current date.
    • Action Date: The date care should be accomplished. This defaults to the current date.
    • Notes: An optional field to add notes related to the Care Case.
    • Care Case: An optional drop-down list of the Care Cases associated with the Household.
    • Completed: An indication of whether the care has been provided. This defaults to No.

Screenshot of the Create Household Care Log tool displaying the search for households and options for the care log entry

Note: To use this tool, you must have access through your security role. SPoCs can grant user access to this tool.

Log Household Care

  1. Go to Contacts, Participants, or Households.
  2. Open the record or select records, if needed.
  3. From the Tools menu, select Create Household Care Log.
  4. If you didn't open or select records, search for the household to create a care log entry for.
  5. Select the type of care provided.
    Note: The values in the drop-down list come from Care Cases > Care Types.
  6. Select an associated care case, if applicable.
  7. Select who provided the care. This defaults to the current user, but you can change it using the drop-down list.
  8. Select the Contact record associated with the selected household members.
  9. Set the date the care should be accomplished. It defaults to the current date, but you can click the calendar icon to change it.
  10. If the care has been provided, select Completed.
  11. Add any notes related to this Care Log entry.
  12. Click Save.
    A success message displays.
  13. Close the tool.

You created the Care Log entry with the given information. You can locate it on the Household Care Log page. If a household for the selected contact does not exist, MinistryPlatform creates a Household record using the last name from the Contact record.

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