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Process Payments Tool

Review a selection of payments and process them.

  • With the Process Payments Tool, you can:
    • Assign the Merchant Batch.
    • Review a summary of payments.
    • Opt to include free options in the summary using the toggle.
    • Close the tool without processing payments.
    • Process payments.
  • The tool is available on the Payments page for individuals with the appropriate Security Role.
  • You can make a selection of unprocessed payments; that is, Payment records that have Processed set to No.
  • A processing message displays after selecting Process Payments.
  • A confirmation message displays when payments have finished processing.

Process Payments

You can see this tool on the Payments page in MinistryPlatform.

  1. In the navigation menu, click Products & Payments > Payments.
  2. Select the payments you want to process.
  3. From the Tools menu, select Process Payments.
  4. Add information to Assign Merchant Batch.
  5. If needed, enable Include Free Options.
  6. Click Process Payments.

The information you entered is used to process payments for contacts in your database. You'll find these processed payments under Products & Payments > Payments with information including the merchant batch, payment type, invoice, and more. The Processed field is automatically set to Yes.

thumb_upYes thumb_downNo