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Form Responses Tool

With the Form Responses tool, you can export all responses received through a form or an event registration to an Excel-compatible CSV file for review and analysis.

  • The tool is available on the Events, Forms, Opportunities, or Pledges pages. You must launch it from an open record.
  • When exporting from an event record, the form responses come from two places: Answers (from form responses) and Invoice Details (from product option prices).
  • Addresses always come from the form response tied to the answer. That means addresses don't export if there is no answer record.
  • Before using the tool, make sure all of the following are true for the related form, product, and product option prices records:
    • Form responses must have form answers for the form response contact information fields to display.
    • The Form Title field of the form record does not include HTML.
    • Form fields are assigned to the form.
    • Product options related to the product and assigned to the event have unique option titles.
    • "Nickname" is not a Field Label of one of the form fields assigned to the related form.
    • Commas are not included in the product option price titles.

Screenshot of the Form Responses tool showing options for exporting all records or selected records within a date range

Screenshot of the Form Responses tool with the CSV export file ready to download

Note: To use this tool, you must have access through your security role. SPoCs can grant user access to this tool.

Export Form Responses

  1. Go to Events, Custom Forms > Forms, Opportunities, or Contributions > Pledges, and open the relevant record.
  2. From the Tools menu, select Form Responses Tool.
  3. Select whether to export all responses or only those within a certain date range.
    • All Records: Exports all form response records related to the event, form, opportunity, or pledge.
    • Selected Records: Exports form response records related to the event, form, opportunity, or pledge with a Response Date within the date range you selected.
  4. Click Complete.
    A success message displays.
  5. Click Download CSV File to save the file in your Downloads folder.
  6. Close the tool.

You can import the file into your program of choice to review and analyze the responses.