Custom Forms
Learn about communicating with custom forms in MinistryPlatform.
- Use a Custom Form to gather information. To create a Custom Form, use the Form Editor Tool.
- A Custom Form can stand alone, or you can attach it to other MinistryPlatform functions. Specifically:
- Standalone Form: A Custom Form that is not associated with any other MinistryPlatform function. Use standalone forms for surveys or static forms you want to publish on your website.
- Event Registration Forms: A Custom Form that is associated with an Event in the Event's Registration Form field. The form questions display after the default attendee information fields that are always in an event registration. This is an option if you need to collect additional information as a part of your registration (for example, t-shirt size).
- Opportunity Forms: A Custom Form that is associated with an Opportunity in the Opportunity's Custom Form field. The form questions display after the default fields that are always in Opportunity Finder's response form.
- You can require an individual to log in before they complete a Custom Form. This can help reduce errors and prevent unnecessary submissions.
- Contact and Household information that people enter through a Custom Form does not automatically update their Contact or Household records. When a person fills out a Custom Form, the system doesn't know the exact questions, so it doesn't update those records. For example, the person that enters contact information may enter their own contact information, or they may enter someone else's. It wouldn't make sense to update one person's record with someone else's information!