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An overview on opportunities in the Platform, including how to create an opportunity, opportunity fields you'll encounter and what they mean, and notification fields and what they mean.

Opportunity records are ways to be involved in your church; they're essentially the classified ads in a newspaper.

  • You can promote opportunities using the Opportunity Widgets. You might also promote them through your worship service connection card.
  • Opportunities may include things such as:
    • Ongoing ministry positions where people can serve as a part of a specific ministry and congregation (for example, Children's Ministry Teachers at the Downtown campus).
    • One-time opportunities to serve at a specific event (for example, parking attendants at the 10 AM Easter service).
    • Requests for information (for example, learn about baptism).
  • Response records are how MinistryPlatform notes interest in a specific opportunity. In other words, a response is a log of someone's interest in ministry that requires immediate follow-up and is evidence of activity by that person.
  • Someone on your team should follow up with a response. This is a perfect opportunity to use a process to email the opportunity's contact person about the Response record. For an example, see the Response Follow-up Default Process.
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