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Split Household Tool

With the Split Household tool, you can manage records affected by life changes. For example, an adult child moves out of their parents' home, two congregants get married, or a family experiences divorce.

  • The tool is available on the Contacts or Households pages. You can launch the tool on its own or from an open record.
  • All Household members display in the tool, and you can select the primary departing member. This removes the person from the current Household and places them into an existing or new Household.
  • You can select additional members of the Household to move with the primary departing member (for example, children who move with a parent after a separation).
  • Once a member is moved, MinistryPlatform creates an Other Household record with a Household Type of "Former Household" so you can track that previous connection.
  • A Departing Reason is required, and additional fields may display based on this selection.
    • Marriage: This option allows you to specify the Departing Member's new Spouse from the new Household. (Marital Status updates for both individuals. A new Contact Relationship record is created to indicate the marriage with the current date and time.)
    • Divorce or Separation: These options allow you to specify the Spouse from the current Household from whom they are divorcing or separating. (Marital Status updates for both individuals. The existing Contact Relationship record end-dates with the current date and time. A new Contact Relationship record is created to indicate the divorce or separation with the current date and time.) There is also an option to Create Records for Children. (If you select this, Other Household records with a Household Type of Non-Custodial Parent is created for each Minor Child, linking them to the Household that is not their Primary Household following the split.)
    • Other: Continue without creating or updating any associated records. An example of "Other" may be an adult child moving into their own residence.
  • If needed, you can edit the last name and Household position of departing members.

Example of Marriage

Split Household Tool showing a departing member of a household getting married and moving to an existing household

Example of Creating a New Household

Split Household Tool showing a new household for a departing member

Example of Separation

Split Household Tool showing an example of a separation
Note: To use this tool, you must have access through your security role. SPoCs can grant user access to this tool.

Split a Household

  1. Go to Contacts or Households, and open the relevant record, if needed.
  2. From the Tools menu, select Split Household.
  3. If you didn't open a record, search for the household you want to update.
  4. Select the primary departing member to move to another household.
  5. For Other Household, enter the last name of the household to move to.
    • If the household exists, select it from the drop-down list.
    • If the household does not exist, click New. Enter the information for the new household, and click Save.
  6. For Departing Reason, select the appropriate reason for the household split.
    • If you chose Marriage, select the new Spouse. This will update the Marital Status for both individuals, and create a new Contact Relationship for the departing member and the spouse.
    • If you chose Divorce or Separation, select the current Spouse. This updates the Marital Status for both individuals, end-dates the existing Contact Relationship for the marriage, and creates a new Contact Relationship for the divorce or separation.
    • If you chose Divorce or Separation, choose whether to create non-custodial parent records for children. If you select the check box, this creates Other Household records with a Household Type of Non-Custodial Parent for each Minor Child. In other words, this links them to the Household that is not their Primary Household following the split.
  7. For any other members who are splitting from the Household:
    1. Double-click their name in the Household Members table to move them to the Departing Members table.
    2. In the Departing Members table, you can click to edit the Last Name or Household Position, if needed.
  8. When you're ready, click Split Household.
    At this time, the tool updates or creates any relevant records.

After splitting a Household, you may want to review the salutations for any adults in the family. For example, you may need to update the Contact record for "Miss Smith" to say "Mrs." after a marriage.

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