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Life Apps

Life Apps serve to connect each church to their congregation and community through mobile-friendly, tailored, cloud-hosted mini-applications. You can launch these from Widgets - keeping your website the main hub for everything for your church!

Each area of Life Apps focuses on a specific area of one's life in Christ to help you serve your people well and make connections. You can switch between Care Life and Group Life using the navigation menu on the left.

To find your Care Life dashboard, just copy the URL below, paste it into your browser, replace "churchname" with your church's name, and go!


And, to quickly get back to MinistryPlatform, use the handy-dandy app switcher!

Life Apps include:
  • Care Life – We know that your church cares about its people. So we created Care Life to meet needs, provide care, and make sure your care team can keep track of all the things.
  • Group Life – We know your church is made up of people who do things together. So we created Group Life to help people see, manage, and engage with their groups.
  • Need Connect – We know your church strives to meet needs. So we created Need Connect to connect people who have needs with people who want to help meet needs. It's a win-win!