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  • Tasks can notify users of a data change, seek approval for a data change, or request that a user take action.
  • Tasks can be assigned automatically through a process or manually through the New Task functionality.
  • The task status indicator of a record that has an outstanding task is yellow rather than its usual green. Once the task is completed, the yellow light returns to green.
  • There are three types of tasks:
    • Stand-alone tasks are those that are not related to a record or a workflow in MinistryPlatform. A user can create a stand-alone task for themselves or for another user.
    • Record-related tasks are those that can be created by a user but are related to a record in the database. Associating a task to a record saves everyone time and effort by keeping the information linked together in one place.
    • Workflow-generated tasks cannot be created by users. When workflows are made in MinistryPlatform, certain tasks are added in a specific order. When the workflow process starts, the first task is automatically sent to the assigned user. When that user marks the task complete, the workflow knows to send the next task to the next assigned user automatically. Therefore, users can only manage workflow-generated tasks, not create them.
  • Users can see their tasks on the My Tasks tab of the Home page.
    • When there are no overdue Tasks, you can see the total number of outstanding Tasks,represented by a blue badge, from any tab.
    • The number of overdue Tasks display in an orange badge, and the total number of Tasks no longer displays.
  • Users can use the Task page views to see which tasks have been completed and which tasks they've assigned or created. Views on the My Tasks page allow users to filter by both "Complete/Hidden" or "Incomplete" tasks as well as tasks "Created by Me" or "Assigned to Me".
    Tip: Set a notification for the Complete/Hidden and Created by Me views to get notified when others have completed the tasks you assigned to them.