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Group Attendance Tool

With the Group Attendance tool, you can post group-specific event attendance.

Note: Use this tool when people attended an event as part of a group. To record attendance not related to groups, you can post it on the relevant page or use the Event Metrics tool for headcount numbers.
  • The tool is available on the Events page. You can launch the tool on its own or from an open record.
  • Mark attendance for one or more groups listed on the Rooms & Groups tab of an event record.
  • You can also use this tool to quickly register people from an existing group into an event to facilitate check-in.
  • The Group Attendance Tool is similar to the Classroom Manager in Check-In Suite in that they both take attendance. The key difference is that the Classroom Manager is typically used "live" to take attendance as the event occurs, whereas the Group Attendance Tool is often used to mark attendance and enter it into the database after the fact.

Screenshot of the Group Attendance tool showing a sample event with the event group and room selected

Note: To use this tool, you must have access through your security role. SPoCs can grant user access to this tool.

Mark Group Attendance

  1. Go to Events, and open the relevant record.
  2. From the Tools menu, select Group Attendance Tool.
  3. Select the appropriate event group.
  4. Select the individuals in the group to mark attendance.
    Tip: If the group is large, use the search feature in your browser to locate individuals. Press Ctrl + F to open the search box, enter the name, and then press Enter.
  5. If needed, select the Group Room.
  6. Select the appropriate Participation Status.
    If the selected individuals were present, you might choose a status of "Attended" or "Confirmed".
  7. Click Complete.
    A success message displays.
  8. If needed, repeat these steps for another event group or participation status.
  9. When you're finished, close the tool.

You can import the file into your program of choice to review and analyze the responses.

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