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Create Pledge Tool

With the Create Pledge tool, you can enter pledges received on physical pledge cards.

  • The tool is available on the Contacts, Donors, or Pledges pages.
  • You can launch the tool on its own, from a selection of records, or from an open record.
  • If the contact has a Donor record, you'll create a new pledge using the information you enter. If the contact does not have a Donor record, you'll create a new one along with the pledge using the following fields:
    • Contact: The Contact record selected in the Tool.
    • Stmt Frequency: The value from COMMON, DefaultStatementFrequency.
    • Stmt Type: The value from COMMON, DefaultStatementType.
    • Cancel Envelopes: Set to No.
    • Setup Date: The date the Tool was last run.
    • First Contact Made: Leave this field blank.
  • After you create a pledge, you'll see a success message. You can then find the new pledge on the Pledges page.

Screenshot of the Create Pledge tool displaying the options for the new pledge

Note: To use this tool, you must have access through your security role. SPoCs can grant user access to this tool.

Create a Pledge

  1. Go to Contacts, Donors, or Pledges.
  2. Open the record or select records, if needed.
  3. From the Tools menu, select Create Pledge.
  4. If you didn't open or select records, search for the contact.
  5. Select the pledge campaign. The drop-down list contains Campaign Names for current and future campaigns.
  6. Select the pledge status.
    Note: The values in the drop-down list come from System Lookups > Pledge Statuses. We do not recommend modifying pledge statuses.
  7. Enter the total amount pledged.
  8. Enter the number of installments the pledge will be paid in.
  9. Enter the number of installments per year.
  10. Select the date of the first payment.
  11. Add any notes related to this pledge.
  12. Click Submit.
    A success message displays. After it disappears, you can select a different contact add a pledge with the same information, or click Reset to create a new pledge.
  13. Close the tool.

You created the pledge with the given information. You can locate it on the Pledges page. If the selected contact did not have a Donor record, MinistryPlatform creates one along with the pledge.

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