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Change the From or Reply To

You may need to change the contact information that a Message appears to come from or that Recipient replies should go to.

Say you send an email to the congregation. Instead of sending it from your email address, you want it to come from the main office email address that people are more likely to recognize. And, instead of recipients sending you all of their questions, you want replies to go to the pastor's email address. To do this, you can change the From and Reply To values for your Message.

  1. Launch the New Message Tool, and prepare your Message as usual.
  2. Click the Advanced tab.
  3. If you send an email, you can:
    • To change the person it looks like the Message is coming from, select the Contact in the From drop-down list.
    • To change the email address that receives Recipient replies, select the Contact in the Reply To drop-down list.
  4. If you send a text, to change the number, select the number in the From SMS Number drop-down list.
  5. Send your Message as usual.

The Message appears to come from the email address or SMS number of the From contact. Any replies go to the email address of the Reply To contact.

Set Users as Delegates of Other Users

A SPoC can update the rights of individual users so they can send Messages on behalf of someone else or send Recipient replies to someone else. This is called a delegate.

Note: If you send a Message using a Template that indicates a From Contact or Reply To Contact, you must be a delegate of that Contact for the system to use that value.
  1. Go to Administration > Users.
  2. Locate and open the User who can send Messages on behalf of someone else.
  3. Click the Delegate of tab.
  4. Click New Delegate.
  5. Select the Contact that this User is a delegate of.
  6. Click Save.

The User can now change the From and Reply To Contact values in Messages.