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A brief overview about Snippets in MinistryPlatform.

  • Snippets are pre-written HTML text that automatically log Message Recipients in so they can quickly access their accounts.
    Note: A Snippet is only valid if it matches a Contact when you send a Message.
  • There are several predefined Snippets in your system. Customize these or add your own Snippets! See Create and Edit Snippets.
  • You can insert Snippets into Messages using the New Message Tool.
  • Once sent, the Snippet includes information specific to each Recipient. As such, do not copy Snippets from sent emails. For more information, see Snippet Best Practices.
  • You can use Snippets in Notification Messages if the Notification supports the [Domain_GUID] and [Contact_GUID] Merge Fields. See articles specific to each Notification for more details.