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Contact Log

  • The Contact Log tracks different types of contact with people, like visits made, calls placed, mail sent. This helps follow-up, historical records, and information sharing between ministries.
  • There are several options to log contact:
    • Use the Contact Log Tool on desktop or mobile.
    • Go to Communications > Contact Log, and add a new record.
    • Open the relevant Contact record, click the Contact Log tab, and add a new record.

The Contact Log and My Calls

You can assign and update Contact Log records marked as part of a Planned Contact using the My Calls page of the Portal. Here is an example of what that might look like:

  1. The Contact Log Tool creates a Contact Log record. (For example, record "A" with Successful set to null.)
  2. A person picks up the call on the My Calls page. ("A" updates.)
  3. A person successfully completes the call. ("A" updates with Successful set to Yes.)
  4. If there is another call in the Planned Contact, then a new Contact Log record creates automatically when Step 3 completes. (For example, record "B".)
  5. A person picks up the call on the My Calls page. ("B" updates.)
  6. A person can't complete the call and provides a follow-up date ("B" updates with Successful set to No). A new Contact Log record creates for the callback date provided. (For example, record "C".)