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Planned Contacts

Planned Contact records represent a specific action that a staff person or volunteer needs to take regarding a Contact Log entry. Contact Log entries with Planned Contact records associated with them display on the Portal's My Calls page.

Example of a Planned Contact record showing the title, instructions, manager, hours until past due, maximum attempts, as well as settings for notifications and next planned contact

Planned Contacts Fields

Planned Contact Title
Indicates the method of contact, such as "Welcome Call" or "Ministry Info Email".
Describes what is needed during this contact. These display on the My Calls Portal page.
The person you should contact if there are any issues with the Planned Contact, like when you fail to make contact or exceed the maximum attempts.
Hours Until Past Due
From the time you create the Contact Log record, this number of hours determines the due date of the task associated with the Planned Contact.
Maximum Attempts
The maximum number of times you can attempt contact.
Notify On Max Attempts
If set to Yes, the manager receives an email if you meet the number of maximum attempts so they can determine the next steps.
Notify On Failure
If set to Yes, the system notifies the manager if someone marks a Planned Contact record as Do Not Contact.
Next Planned Contact
If the current Planned Contact record is one of a series, this field identifies the next Planned Contact record in the series. When a Contact Log entry succeeds, the system creates a record associated with the Next Planned Contact.
Next Contact By
If a specific person should be responsible for the Next Planned Contact, identify them here. Leave this field blank to allow the various Users to assign the call to themselves.
Days Until Next Contact
The number of days before the next Planned Contact is due. This is measured from the time the you mark the current Planned Contact as successful.
Call Team
The Group that takes the unassigned calls. If you don't have a Call Team assigned, anyone with My Calls rights can see and pick up unassigned calls. Setting a Group limits the people who can see or pick up the unassigned calls.
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