An overview about Snippets in MinistryPlatform.
- Snippets are pre-written HTML text that provide additional information or links to relevant resources. This allows you to reuse certain text in many messages without having to recreate that text over and over again, which eliminates the possibility of typos! For example, you may have a Snippet for your church's website link that you include in all messages to prospects.
- There are several predefined Snippets in your system. Customize these or add your own Snippets! See Create and Edit Snippets.
- You can insert Snippets into messages using the New Message Tool.
- Once sent, the Snippet may include information specific to each recipient. So, do not copy Snippets from sent emails.
- You can use Snippets in notification messages as long as the notification supports the [Domain_GUID] and [Contact_GUID] merge fields. See articles specific to each Notification for more details.
Predefined Snippets
Some predefined Snippets are included with your MinistryPlatform instance. You can find these under .
- If your instance does not have a Snippet you need, contact Support to get them added to your system.
- Before you can use them, you must edit each Snippet to use your domain address.
- Widgets do not support auto-login Snippets but may have an equivalent available.
- *Event Sign Up
- Requires an Event ID each time you use it. Add the Event ID using the source view. For more details and steps, see Insert an Event-Specific Snippet.
This is an auto-login Snippet for the Portal. If you use Widgets, check out the Event Details and Registration widget for event sign-up.
- *Group Sign Up
- Requires a Group ID each time you use it. Add the Group ID using the source view.
This is an auto-login Snippet for the Portal. If you use Widgets, check out the Group Details widget for group sign-up.
- *Opportunity Sign Up
- Requires an Opportunity ID each time you use it. Add the Opportunity ID using the source view.
This is an auto-login Snippet for the Portal. If you use Widgets, check out the Opportunity Details widget for opportunity sign-up.
- Cancel Recurring Gifts
- Logs in and displays Giving History page. This is only available on the Donors page.
This is an auto-login Snippet for the Portal. If you use Widgets, check out the Giving Widgets.
- CareLife Login
- Takes the user to the Care Life Dashboard.
- GroupLife Login
- Requires a Group ID each time you use it. Add the Group ID using the source view.
- Church Directory
- Logs in and displays the Church Directory page.
This is an auto-login Snippet for the Portal. If you use Widgets, check out the Online Directory.
- Event Calendar
- Logs in and displays the Event Calendar.
This is an auto-login Snippet for the Portal. If you use Widgets, check out the Event Finder.
- Event Registrations
- Logs in and displays the Event Calendar with the Registrations filter.
This is an auto-login Snippet for the Portal. If you use Widgets, check out the Event Details and Registration widget.
- Give Online
- Logs in and displays the Online Giving page.
This is an auto-login Snippet for the Portal. If you use Widgets, check out the Make a Pledge widget.
- Global Unsubscribe link
- Uses SendGrid's Group Unsubscribe Substitution tag for global unsubscription. Once clicked, the user will no longer receive any messages that you send from MinistryPlatform.Tip: In limit unsubscriptions to a certain group of emails instead, you'll want to use publications. That way, you can use the Publication Unsubscribe link snippet so people don't miss out on your messages!
- Group Finder / Group Finder (by survey)
- Logs in and displays the Group Finder page or the Group Finder (Survey) page.
This is an auto-login Snippet for the Portal. If you use Widgets, check out the Group Finder.
- My Contribution Statement
- Logs in and displays Contribution Statement page. This is only available on the Donors page.
This is an auto-login Snippet for the Portal. If you use Widgets, check out the My Contribution Statements widget.
- My Giving History
- Logs in and displays Giving History page. This is only available on the Donors page.
This is an auto-login Snippet for the Portal. If you use Widgets, check out the My Giving widget.
- My Groups
- Logs in and displays the My Groups page.
This is an auto-login Snippet for the Portal. If you use Life Apps, check out Group Life.
- My Subscriptions
- Logs in and displays Subscriptions page.
This is an auto-login Snippet for the Portal. If you use Widgets, check out the My Subscriptions widget.
- My Survey
- Logs in and displays My Survey page.
This is an auto-login Snippet for the Portal. If you use Widgets, check out the About Me widget.
- My User Account
- Logs in and displays My User Account.
This is an auto-login Snippet for the Portal. If you use Widgets, check out the Login widget.
- Opportunity Finder / Opportunity Finder (by survey)
- Logs in and displays the Opportunity Finder page or the Opportunity Finder (Survey) page.
This is an auto-login Snippet for the Portal. If you use Widgets, check out the Opportunity Finder.
- Publication Unsubscribe link
- This is only available on the Publications page. Uses SendGrid's Group Unsubscribe Substitution tag for group unsubscription. Once clicked, the user will no longer receive messages that you send from a certain publication in MinistryPlatform. You can edit the link text in this snippet. For more information, see Use Publications for Unsubscriptions.
- Support A Mission Trip
- Logs in and displays the Mission Trip Giving page.
This is an auto-login Snippet for the Portal. If you use Widgets, check out the My Mission Trips widget.
Create and Edit Snippets
To create and edit Snippets, go to .
To include links in your Snippets, go to the appropriate Page in the Platform and copy the URL.
To restrict which Pages have the Snippet, add the Page to the Pertains To field of the Communication Snippets record. If you want to make the Snippet available on any Page, leave this field blank.
Insert Snippets into a Message
Insert an Event-Specific Snippet
You can send a message that includes the Event Sign Up Snippet so people can quickly get to the Event Registration page on your Portal.
- This is an auto-login Snippet for the Portal. Widgets do not support auto-login links, but you can use the Event Details and Registration.
- You'll need the Event ID number. To find this, open the Event record and look at the title.
- Open the New Message Tool.
- Prepare your message.
- Click *Event Sign Up. , and select
- Click the View HTML Source button.
- Look for the long string of characters ending with "id=0".
- Change the "0" to the ID value from the Event record.
- Click the View HTML Source button again.
- Make any other edits to your message, and send it as usual.
When a recipient clicks this Snippet in the message, they are logged in to their Portal account and directed to the Event Registration page.
Portal Auto-login Links
Aside from what already exists in your system, you can create additional auto-login Snippets for the Portal and Custom Forms.
Portal Page Auto-login
When configured using the appropriate values, the following link automatically logs a specific user in to the Portal and directs them to a specific page.
https://{your church domain}/portal/login.aspx?dg=[Domain_GUID]&cg=[Contact_GUID]&ReturnUrl=/portal/<return-page>
Custom Form Auto-login
The Custom Form auto-login link automatically logs a specific user in to your website and displays a Custom Form. Your custom form auto-login link should look like the following. Be sure to replace "{your domain}" with your organization's website and replace "[Form GUID]" with the GUID from the Form record of the custom form you want to link to.
https://{your domain}/portal/login.aspx?dg=[Domain_GUID]&;cg=[Contact_GUID]&;ReturnUrl=/portal/get_form.aspx?id=[Form GUID]
Alternatively, you can use a simple link. People can access any Custom Form using a link in the following format, where {your domain} is your organization's base website (for example, and [Form_GUID] is the GUID created when you initially save the Form record. To get this value, open a Form record and look for the Form GUID field.
https://{your domain}/portal/get_form.aspx?id=[Form GUID]
Auto-login Snippet Best Practices
There are a few things to keep in mind when you use auto-login Snippets.
If a person forwards an email with an auto-login Snippet to someone else, they've essentially given that person access to log in to their account. Remind people not to share the message. They might do it anyway, but at least you can sleep well at night knowing you warned them.
Include a note at the bottom of any message sent with a Snippet stating something like, "The link included in this email is unique to you. Please do not forward this message". In fact, you can include this warning in the Snippet itself. That way, you won't forget it!
For example, one popular Snippet is a personalized event registration link:
https://{your church domain}/portal/login.aspx?dg=[Domain_GUID]&cg=[Contact_GUID]&ReturnUrl=/portal/event_signup.aspx?id=[event_ID]
And here's the source code for the Event Sign Up Snippet with the warning included:
<a href="https://{your church domain}/portal/login.aspx?dg=[Domain_GUID]&cg=[Contact_GUID]&ReturnUrl=/portal/event_signup.aspx?id=0">Event Sign Up</a>. This is a personalized link. Please do not forward this email.
What if someone accidentally shares the link?
If someone shares a personal link, anyone who clicks that link can access that person's account and see their information. If this happens, you can reset that user's GUID and break the link using the Reset User Security Tool.