Using the Login widget, people can log in or create a user account. Then, they can update their personal information and take advantage of pre-filled forms available in several widgets.
- Widget forms are pre-filled for authenticated users, creating a personalized experience and allowing for quick action.
- Widget forms can be pre-filled for any family member of an authenticated user.
- Some widgets require users to log in before they can be used to the full extent.
- The Login Widget takes advantage of the established OAuth login flow used by other MinistryPlatform applications, including the Platform, Batch Manager Tool, Life Apps, widgets, and any customization or third parties you've configured to use shared authentication. This does not include the Portal.
- Once authenticated, the Login menu allows a user to navigate to their User Account and add or update their information. Note: When a user creates an account, the Contact, Household, and User records will be created for them.
- If the authenticated user has a photo attached to their Contact record, it displays while logged in. An authenticated user may upload a new photo from their User Account.
- All social logins (Identity Providers) configured for use with existing MinistryPlatform applications are available.Note: When a new user completes the sign up process, a Contact and User record are created. A Household record is not created. To create a Household record for a new contact, use the Add/Edit Family tool and fill in any missing info.
- User Name: Chosen by the user.
- Password: Set by the user.
- Picture: Photo attached to the user's Contact record.
- Login: User will be logged in to their user account.
- Log Out: Logs user out of their account.
- My Profile: User can update their personal profile and communication preferences, set up social logins, and add a picture. If a user adds a picture, they don't need to click save. It updates as soon as they select the new photo.
- My Household: User can edit their personal and household information, including information for other household members, if the My Household Widget has been configured.
Want the Login Widget for your website? See Configuring Login for details to get started.
Also, be sure to review your Domain and Accounts settings for text message configuration, user account settings, and user account emails in relation to logging in. For details, see Login, Create Account, & Password Reset.