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  • You can find the Procedures page in the Communications section of MinistryPlatform. Use this page to record specific actions that, taken together, accomplish some goal for your church.
  • Use this page to create a central record of the "How To" information related to how your church uses MinistryPlatform. However, your church may add procedures that are partially related or completely unrelated to MinistryPlatform.
  • The Procedures page comes with some sample entries. These entries may be relevant to your church as they are or with a minor adjustment. Some you may not need and your church can remove them.

Create Procedures

Any User with a Security Role to add or edit a Procedure record can create a procedure.

Edit the Basic Staff Rights Security Role to allow your staff to view Procedures. Or, your church may want only certain staff to create Procedures. In that case, you can create a specific Security Role and assign it to those who create Procedure records.

Page-specific Procedures

Procedures display when a User runs the *About this Page report. They are included along with Views, Reports, and Workflows relevant to that page. To print only the Procedures, select Procedures from the Item Type parameter drop-down menu and click View Report.

Print a Procedures Manual

From the Procedures page, run the report titled Procedures Manual, which prints all active Procedures by page. To print only some of the Procedures, create a selection of the Procedure records you want to print and launch the Selected Procedures Manual report.

Procedure Fields

These fields are available when creating a procedure.

Example of a Procedure record detailing the purpose, approach, and steps

Procedure Title
A short and friendly title to help the User find this Procedure.
Creation Date
This date indicates the age of the Procedure.
Set to Yes to include this Procedure in some Views and Reports. Leave this as No if you're still writing a Procedure or to keep it in the system even if it no longer applies.
The person responsible for maintaining and/or performing this Procedure.
The specific ministry to which this Procedure applies. Leave blank if it applies to many.
The specific page the Procedure is related or relevant to. If left blank, this Procedure does not print on the Procedure Manual reports.

Procedures display when you run the About this Page report. They are included along with Views, Reports, and Workflows relevant to that page. To print only the Procedures, select Procedures from the Item Type parameter drop-down list then click View Report.

A brief explanation of the reason for this Procedure.
An overview of the method by which you accomplish the goal.
Step by Step
Detailed instructions including an ordered list of sequential actions the User follows to accomplish this procedure. You can use HTML formatting.