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A brief overview of groups in MinistryPlatform.

In MinistryPlatform, a group is a collection of people engaged in some aspect of ministry together. Individual members of the group receive ministry (participating), provide ministry (serving), or oversee ministry (leading). You can create groups may for a variety of reasons, including fellowship (small groups), teaching (classes), serving (ministry teams), and organizing broad groups of people (age or grade groups).

Every group must have a Ministry (Department) and a Congregation/Parish (Campus). If the same group meets on various campuses, you can create one group for each campus or have one group using the church-wide congregation.

An orange circle labeled "Congregations", a plus sign, a brown circle labeled "Ministries", and an arrow pointing to a gray circle labeled "Groups"

Tip: Want a deeper dive? Check out both the Managing Groups webinar and the Structuring and Creating Groups user training in the MinistrySmart Academy!
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