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You can keep information about counseling engagements and sessions in the Platform.

Note: The Counseling pages are available to customers who implemented prior to 2020. While not included in future deployments, the Counseling pages may be installed as a professional service upon request. We continue to support the Counseling pages where installed.
  • An Engagement record tracks each counselor-counselee relationship. Engagements can stand alone (for a one-time meeting) or include several sessions.
  • A Session record is kept for each meeting an individual has with a counselor. All sessions are part of an engagement.
  • By default, there are two Counseling Types: Financial and Marital. You can add more types as needed.

Securing Sensitive Counseling Information

Use security roles to secure sensitive data on the Counseling pages.

You may only want certain people (such as counselors) to view and manage counseling information. You can secure information at the page, sub-page, or even field level. And, if you've added tables to your Counseling section to house Counseling Documents, those can also be secured.

For more information on securing information, see the Security Roles section of the Help Center.

Create an Engagement

Add an Engagement record to track the relationship between a counselor and the individual they're counseling.

  1. In the navigation menu, click Counseling > Engagements.
  2. Click New Engagement.
  3. For Contact, select the individual who will engage with a counselor.
  4. For Counselor, select the individual who will work with the counselee.
  5. Select the Counseling Type.
  6. Enter the Start Date and time.
  7. Enter the End Date and time, if needed.
  8. Enter any relevant notes.
  9. Click Save.

Create a Counseling Session

Add a Session record when there is a new meeting between an individual and a counselor.

  1. In the navigation menu, click Counseling > Counseling Sessions.
  2. Click New Counseling Session.
  3. Select the Engagement that this session is related to.
  4. Enter the Session Date and time.
  5. Enter any notes about the session.
  6. Click Save.

Add or Edit Counseling Types

An admin can add or edit Counseling Types to accommodate the counseling structure at your church.

  1. In the navigation menu, click Counseling > Counseling Types.
  2. Click New Counseling Type , or open a type and click Edit Record.
  3. Add or edit the Counseling Type.
  4. Add or edit any notes.
  5. Click Save.