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Event Details and Registration

When someone selects an event in the Event Finder, the Event Detail & Registration Widget opens. It displays additional event information and allows people to register (if registration is configured for the event).

  • Fields display on the Event Detail dynamically based on the fields that were populated when the Event was created.
  • The default image attached to the Event will display. If there is no image, a placeholder displays instead.
  • A friendly warning displays if someone attempts to register twice.
  • Registrants can select whether to update their record using the contact or address information they provide on the registration form.
  • For paid events, registrants can change any information and products on their registration as long as no deposit, payment, or promo code has been applied yet. For example, they can remove an optional t-shirt they no longer want without having to start all over again.
  • Registrants must complete address fields for events with a registration fee. It is optional to complete address fields when the event is free.
  • When a Location is specified, the Widget displays its address and an embedded map.
  • If the Location is left blank, the Widget displays the address and an embedded map of the Group's Congregation.
    Note: Maps only show when Latitude/Longitude are included on the Location's record.
  • If the Event Details are viewed on a mobile device, an additional Open in Maps option displays, allowing step-by-step directions to be mapped. This option launches directions in the device's default map application.
  • If the Event Details are viewed on a mobile device, the user can add the event to their calendar.


Event Details

  • Event Date & Time: Event's date and time fields. If viewed on a mobile device, there's an option to add the event to a calendar. Event dates and times are displayed in the Time Zone of the Event Congregation.
  • Event Description: Event's Description field, further explaining the purpose of the event.
  • Event Contact: The photo and full name of the Event's Primary Contact will display. If no photo is attached to the Primary Contact's Contact record, a placeholder image is shown. Tapping the Primary Contact's image will open a contact form so Users can send Primary Contact an email if configured.
    • If Allow Email is set to Yes on the Event record, anyone can use the contact form to email the Primary Contact.
    • If the Primary Contact does not have an email address associated with their Contact record, tapping the image will not open the contact form.
    • The email will be sent from the address identified in the COMMON, SystemEmailFrom Configuration Setting.
    • If the user is logged in or if the name and email they provide can be matched to a Contact record, their display name displays next to the email address.
    • If the name and email address provided can't be matched to an existing Contact record, "***Default, Contact" displays next to the email address. Note that, if the Primary Contact replies to an email where no Contact is matched, it will still go to the person who sent it.
  • Meeting Instructions: Event's Meeting Instructions field; the information needed in order to participate in the event.
  • Location: Event's Location field; the physical place where the event will take place. If no location is provided on the Event record, the Congregation displays. And if the Congregation has an associated location, the map displays with this location.
  • Building/Room: The Building Name and Room Name fields from any Room Reservation(s) related to the Event. This information displays by default. If you don't want it to show, set Show Building Room Info to No on the Event record.

Event Registration

If the event is configured for registration, optional fields display.

Important: To use the Event Details & Registration Widget, you must work with one of our verified vendors. Check out the list of our verified vendors and, if you don't already work with one, reach out to get started.
  • Registration Price: The price of the event displays if set on the associated Product. For free events, the price displays as "Free" (which is controlled by the mpp-event-details.freePriceLabel application label).
  • Register As: Registrant's contact information. When logged in, the user can select a member to register or fill out a blank form. Users must make a selection before they can enter any information. If the event is configured for minor registration, parents or guardians are prompted to provide the minor's name and date of birth. The following fields are not editable (to prevent registrants from changing the information incorrectly): First Name, Last Name, Parent First Name, Parent Last Name, Attendee First Name, and Attendee Last Name.
  • Product Option Prices: Option prices from the Product associated with the event. When the maximum is reached, the option is grayed out and not selectable.
  • Custom Form: The Custom Form associated with the Event.
    Note: If the Custom Form requires a login (that is, Force Login is set to Yes), the individual will be prompted to log in before they can sign up for the Event. This is true even if Force Login is set to No on the Event record. Similarly, if Force Login is set to Yes on the Event and No on the Form, individuals must log in.
  • Use the contact/address info provided to update my record on file: This check box only displays if the registrant is logged in as an authenticated user. When they are registering as themselves or any family member, the check box defaults to selected. When selected, the associated records in the Platform will be updated with the information they entered in the Contact and Address sections. When cleared, no associated records are updated in the Platform based on the information they provided.
    Note: If the person registers multiple participants in the same household with different addresses and the checkbox is selected, the Platform will update the address using the last participant's entry.
  • Registration Total: The total amount the registrant will pay for the event. This does not display for free events; that is, the event has an Online Registration Product with a Base Price of $0 and does not have any Option Groups with any Option Price records tied to it.


  • Volunteer: If an Opportunity is associated with the event, a Volunteer button displays and takes the user to the Opportunity Finder when clicked.
  • Add Another Person:
    • For free events, this action saves the registration options, and adds the registrant to MinistryPlatform as an Event Participant with a Participation Status of 02 Registered. They can then add a new registration.
    • For paid events, this action saves the registration options, and adds the registrant as an Event Participant with a Participation Status of 21 Awaiting Payment until either a payment is made or the invoice is abandoned. They can then add a new registration. An Edit button displays beside the previous registrant at the top if they need to make changes. All information entered on the form is saved. They can edit or cancel registration(s) before checking out.
  • Register and Checkout:
    • For free events, this action takes the registrant to the Invoice & Payment Widget, but no further action is required to finish the registration process.
    • For paid events, this action takes the registrant to the Invoice & Payment Widget. From here, they can provide payment information to complete the registration or click Make Changes to go back to the registration form. If they make changes, they'll have options to Add Another Person or Save and Checkout.


For setup details, see Configuring Event Details & Registration.

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