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About Me

Using the About Me widget, authenticated users can indicate attributes that describes themselves. These could be anything you want to track, such as skills (like carpentry or typing) and spiritual gifts (like leadership or serving).

Gif showing the About Me page with options selected and saved

  • You control which Lookup Values users can select from. The Attribute Types you select display as headers, with the available Attributes as options below them, sorted in alphabetical order.
    Note: Record Security: The Attribute Type must have Online set to Yes AND the attribute itself must not be a secured record. Otherwise, it will not display.
  • When the user selects an Attribute, it's saved as a Contact Attribute in MinistryPlatform with the current start date and time. When the user clears an Attribute from their list, the Attribute record is end-dated once changes are saved.
  • When the user saves their selections, the About Me page is updated and can then be reviewed or edited at any time.
  • You can match people to Opportunities or Groups using these Attributes in reports or views. Authenticated users can also filter the Opportunity Finder using these Attributes.


There are a few things to do before adding the About Me Widget to your website. See Configuring About Me for details.

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