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There are lots of ways to communicate within and outside of MinistryPlatform. Check out this section to learn more about different types of communication and how to handle certain situations.


One of the primary actions is sending messages, like emails and texts, from the Platform. We recommend you integrate with SendGrid for outgoing mail and Twilio for text message.

You can also send letters and other communication through bulk mail.

For recording purposes, you can track interactions with people in your church with the Contact Log.

With Custom Forms, you can gather information about people right from the source.


Use Planned Contact records to track the actions needed from staff and volunteers who follow up with people in your church.

Your staff often work together to accomplish a goal for your church, and MinistryPlatform can help facilitate that. Using Procedures, your team can align with the same understanding of what they need to do and how to do it.

Notifications can alert staff and Users of certain things that take place in the Platform. You set these up based on views, selections, or individual records – anything you need to know about!