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My Giving

Using the My Giving Widget, authenticated users can see details of their past financial gifts.

  • Use of this widget requires authentication. That means, the user must log in first.
  • Displays the current year to date and the previous four full years, as determined by the time frame selected by the user.
    Note: If a single month is selected, the By Month chart will not be displayed.
  • Displays giving by month and Program on charts, so users see an at-a-glance breakdown of their giving.
    Tip: Want the chart to say "By Fund" or "By Account" instead of "By Program"? You can do that! Just update the appropriate Application Label with your preferred wording.
  • Users can see any donations made by a Head of Household whose Statement Type is set to Family.


  • Total Giving: Displays the total amount given in the selected time frame.
  • Total Giving by Month: Displays the total amount given in the selected time frame on a column chart, broken down by month.
  • Total Giving by Program: Displays the total amount given the selected time frame on a doughnut chart, broken down by Program.
  • Donations: Displays all giving during the selected time frame.
    • If donations are not yet batched or are part of a batch that is not yet finalized, they'll show as "Pending" in the Widget.
    • If the amount of a donation has Omit Amount on Statement set to Yes, it will not display in the Widget. The donation description is listed but the value will not be shown.
    • If there are two Heads of Household and both have their Statement Type set to Family Statements, a Spouse notation displays next to donations made by the authenticated user's spouse.


  • Date Selector: Users can select the year they'd like to see giving for. Giving in the past four years can be displayed. Future pledges do not display.
  • Include Soft Donations: If configured, users can opt to include soft credit donations. The Soft Credit checkbox only displays if the donor has at least one soft credit donation.


For setup details, see Configuring My Giving.

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