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Check and Register Ministers

You receive an email when ministers submit the online registration form. You can then view registrations, add new ministers, or update existing minister records.

  1. On the Information tab, click Ministers > Processes > Minister Online Registration.
  2. Select Check and Register Ministers, and click Next.
  3. Select the minister(s) you want to create or update records for.
  4. If you no longer need a minister's registration, select Delete Form to delete it from the web server.
  5. Review the minister information, and make any necessary changes.
  6. To match this minister's information with an existing record, click Find a Minister and select the minister. You can then select which data to use. Differences show in blue text, and they change to green text once you've made a selection.
  7. When you're ready to process the registrations, click Next.
  8. To post the information, click Finish.