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Update Student Enrollment Information

You don't have to perform all of these activities at the same time. For example, you can add the next formation year to the student's enrollment history, but you may not be ready to post class and session information. You should plan the sequence of events ahead of time and keep a log of processes you've completed.

You can update and post student enrollment information for multiple records.

  1. On the Information tab, click Students > Processes then, on the Formation Processes tab, click Enrollment.
  2. Select the information you want to post, and enter any additional details. Click Next.
    • Post Enrollment Information—Add enrollment records for the current year to the Enrollment/Perm Rec section of the Students window for a group of students.
    • Automatically Activate Students—Prior to preparing your formation data for the new year, you may have preregistered students by entering family and student personal information but marked them inactive so they wouldn't be included in that year's formation reports. You may have temporarily inactivated students and families for other reasons as well. As the new formation year begins, you can activate these students and families so that they're included in the new year's reports.
      Note: If an inactive student is included in your list of students to be processed and you don't select this option, the changes are applied to the student, but his or her inactive status doesn't change.
    • Post Class/Session—Schedule the same class/session for a group of students during the enrollment process. The class/session must be defined in the Class Schedules window. You can view the updated information in the Details section of the Students window.
    • Post Financial Information—Post financial activity related to formation tuition and fees to the fund activities of families for selected students. You can do this to post registration and/or tuition fees to all enrolling students. View information on all fund activities in the family's Tuition & Fees window.
    • Post Service/Retreat—Update service and retreat information on students' records. You can view the updated information in the Service/Retreats section of the Students window.
  3. Select a student, review the information in the confirmation dialog box, and click Yes - Enroll Student.
  4. On each tab, enter the student's information.
  5. To enroll another student, click Enroll Next Student, and repeat steps 3 and 4.

    Click Show Class Sizes to view the current number of students enrolled in each class/session and the number of pending online registrations.

    The current class size is recalculated after each student you enroll.

  6. When you're finished, click Show List of Enrolled Students and review the list.
  7. When you're ready to enroll these students, click Finish.
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