Add a New Student
As new students enroll, create a record for each one.
- On the Information tab, click Students.
- At the top, click Add Student.
- Select whether to create a new family or add the individual to an existing family.
- Enter the individual's information.Note: Some fields are predefined in PDS. You can add any other fields you need to track as user-defined keywords.
- If the individual is also personnel, select the appropriate checkbox(es). This creates and links a personnel record with this individual. Click Go To to open the linked personnel record.
- To associate a student keyword with the individual, click the add icon
above the Keyword grid, and select the keyword.
- If you have any remarks about the individual, click the General, Confidential, or Special Circumstances tab, and enter the information.Note: You can protect Confidential and Special Circumstances remarks with a password so that only those authorized can view or edit them. On the Administration tab, click Users & Passwords > Access and Privileges. Under Program Level, expand Students, and select a security option for Confidential Stu Remarks and/or Student Special Circ..
Special Circumstances indicate medical conditions.
- At the top, click Save.