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Add a New Year or Period

You can copy the information from a group of classes/sessions to use in a new year/period. Select the data to keep and what to clear out for the new year/period.

  1. On the Information tab, click Students > Processes. On the Formation Processes tab, click Add New Year/Period for Classes/Sessions.
  2. Select whether to use automatic updating or individual entry, then click Next.
  3. If you selected automatic updating: Select whether to post the new year/period for all classes or only for those you select. Click Next.
    Note: For help with conditions, see the Additional Selections section in the topic, Report Selections.
  4. If you ran this process last year and want to start with the same options, click Use Values from: <date>. You will be able to review and make changes before processing the data.
    Note: If you don't see this button, it means you have not run this process since updating to 11.1 B. You must run the process at least once before the values can be pulled.
  5. Select a new year/period and a date range for the period.
  6. Select which information you want to retain from the old year/period, or select the Blank options to leave that data empty for the new year. Click Next.
  7. To create a list of dates when the class does not meet, click Insert and enter a date and note. Click Next.
  8. If you selected individual entry: Select a class, and click Add Class to List. Repeat this for each class you want to add to the new year/period. When you're finished, click Next.
  9. Review your list. When you're ready to add the selected classes to the new year/period, click Next.
  10. To add the new year/period, click Finish.
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