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Remove or Advance Student, Family, or Catechist Information

CAUTION: This process alters data. We recommend backing up your data before proceeding.

You don't have to perform all of these activities at the same time. For example, you can perform the grade promotion to get an accurate count of the number of students in a particular grade for the next year, but you may not be ready to remove the prior year session and attendance information. You should plan the sequence of events ahead of time and keep a log of the processes you run.

With this process, you can perform a number of year-end actions, including:
  • Updating a student's permanent record with this year's session, attendance, and progress information
  • Removing graduating and/or inactive students
  • Deleting the student's current year schedule, attendance, service, and retreat information to keep only current information
  • Clearing the number of students registered online to reset the class size limits for the new year
  • Promoting students to the next grade
  • Updating a catechist's history record with this year's session information
  • Removing inactive catechists
  • Deleting a catechist's current year schedule and attendance to keep only current information
  • Removing old parent/guardian information
  1. On the Information tab, click Students > Processes then, on the Formation Processes tab, click End of Year - Formation Remove/Advance.
  2. If you track student progress, you're asked if you have posted it yet. Click Yes to continue or No if you need to go back to post student progress first.
  3. If you'd like help with this process, click Assist Me and follow the prompts. Once you complete the wizard, you can skip to the last step of these instructions.
  4. If you ran this process last year and want to start with the same options, click Use Values from: <date>. You will be able to review and make changes before processing the data.
    Note: If you don't see this button, it means you have not run this process since updating to 11.1 B. You must run the process at least once before the values can be pulled.
  5. Select which year/period to process.
  6. Select whether to clear the number of students who have pending online registrations. This does not remove those students' registration forms.
  7. Select any options for updating students' permanent records, removing old student records, and doing an automatic grade promotion.
  8. Select any options for updating catechists' history and removing old catechist information.
  9. Select any options for removing old parent/guardian information.
  10. If you remove family information, select an option for keeping or deleting the records.
    CAUTION: Any records you mark to remove are permanently deleted unless they're being used in another program.
  11. Review your selections. When you're ready to begin the process, click Process.

Watch & Learn

If you selected to run the grade promotion, the promotion wizard displays. For more on that process, see Promote Students to the Next Grade Level.

Learn about student progress (grades) during the End of Year process. 4 min 56 sec

It may take a minute for the video to display. To enlarge the video, click the Fullscreen icon in the video player (beside the play button).

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