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Enter a Phone Number or Email Address for a Member

You can enter contact information for a member.

  1. On the Information tab, click Members > Communication.
  2. Locate the appropriate record.
  3. Click the grid. Depending on your setup, the complete list of phones/emails will display or you can edit inside the grid itself.

    You can set the way you want phone and email grids to work. On the File menu in your PDS program, click Setup > Initial Setup. Under Family/Member Options, select or clear Show the Complete List of Family and Members when Managing Phones/Emails.

    Alternatively, you can select Automatically Add Family Phones/Emails to Members to always assign family phones/emails to member records.

  4. Click the add icon green plus sign above the grid, and enter the individual's phone number(s) and/or email address(es).
  5. If you see the complete list, select whether the phone/email applies to the whole family or individual member(s).
  6. If the phone number or email address is unlisted, select Unl.
  7. If the individual prefers to receive email rather than mail, select Preferred.
  8. Click OK.
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