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Enter Ministry and Talent Information for Parents/Guardians

In the Ministries/Talents section, you can enter details about a parent or guardian's experience as a minister or person with special skills. You set up ministry, talent, and status options as keywords.

  1. On the Information tab, click Parents & Guardians > Ministries/Talents.
  2. Locate the appropriate record.
  3. Click the add icon green plus sign above the grid, and enter or select the individual's ministries and/or talents.
  4. Enter any additional information, if known.
    • The status is a keyword field that indicates an individual's level of involvement or interest.
    • You can set approximate dates by clicking the down arrow (to the left of the calendar icon).
  5. At the top, click Save.

The ministry or talent displays in red text if you select a status option that has Currently Involved set to No. Likewise, if it is after the selected end date, you'll see red text indicating that the ministry/talent is no longer applicable.

You can sort the Ministries grid by clicking Order Ministries by and selecting an option. This applies to the Ministries grid across all parent/guardian records.

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