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Member Overview

The Member Overview displays all the important information about an individual so you can get a quick understanding. On the Information tab, click Members > Member Overview.

Note: You can choose which window shows up first when you click a section. Click the gear icon black gear with a hole in the middle at the top right of the Overview window, and select an option. For more, see Choose Which Window Shows First.

Member Information

The member's information displays on the left. Click a piece of information to view more details or edit it. For example, if you click the member's general remarks, you are taken to the Personal window where you can edit them or add more. If you click the member's phone number, you are taken to the Communication window. If you click a sacrament, you are taken to the Sacraments window.

If you don't want pictures to display, click Hide Pictures. To send an email, click the email icon yellow envelope beside an email address. To print a PDF of all the overview information, click Print. To copy the information from either the left or right column and paste it into a document or spreadsheet, right-click and select Copy Column to Clipboard.
Note: The email function uses your selections in Email & Text Setup. If you experience an issue, select Use the Simple Email dialog in the Email Server Setup window.

Family and Fund Information

Information about the member's family and funds displays on the right. Click a name or fund to go to that record's overview. Click Show Totals to view amount paid and balance due for a fund.

You can also quickly view other family members by clicking the Member # of # drop-down list at the top.

Customize What You See

You can select which information to show or hide on the Overview. In the top-right corner of the window, click the gear icon black gear with a hole in the middle. From here, you can select which information sections you want to display.

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