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Check and Register Families

You receive an email when families submit the online registration form. You can then view registrations, add new families and students, or update existing records.

  1. On the Information tab, click Students > Processes then, on the Formation Processes tab, click Register Families and Enroll Students Online.
  2. Select Check and Register Families with Students, and click Next.
  3. Select whether to filter your list of forms by new forms only, all forms, or all forms within a certain date range.
  4. If you have a large number of forms to process, the program processes batches of 25 forms at a time. Otherwise, you can select the families you want to create or update records for.
  5. If you're looking for a particular form, click Search Forms and enter or select the family name. If the family submitted multiple forms, each one displays with the date and time.
  6. If you no longer need a registration, select Delete Form to delete it from the web server.
  7. Review the family and student information, and make any necessary changes.
  8. To match this family's information with an existing family record, click Find a Family and select the family. You can then select which data to use. Differences show in blue text, and they change to green text once you've made a selection.
  9. When you're ready to process the registrations, click Next.
  10. To post the information, click Finish.

The date a registration form was submitted is recorded as the student's enrollment date in the Enrollment/Perm. Rec. window, along with the enrollment year and grade.

Watch & Learn

Learn how to register students and families in Formation Office using information from their submitted registration forms. 5 min 48 sec

It may take a minute for the video to display. To enlarge the video, click the Fullscreen icon in the video player (beside the play button).

To watch more videos, visit the PDS Video Library.

If you have a large number of forms, you can process the next batch(es) until all forms are processed. Or, you can exit the process and register the remaining forms later.