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Invite Members from PDS Records

When you're ready, you can invite members via email. Additionally, you can put your parish's unique login link on your parish website to allow members to register themselves. Note that you are able to accept or reject registration requests to ensure that those registering are actually members of your parish who should have access to Parish Life.
Note: Each member is encouraged to have their own, unique email address. This email is the user name they use to log in to Parish Life. If family members share an email account, you can enter the shared email address on each member record and Church Office will generate unique logins. For details on how that works, see our blog article.
CAUTION: As mentioned in our Privacy Policy, PDS is committed to the safe protection of children online, and we adhere to the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA). Parish Life is not intended for use by anyone under the age of 13. Please ensure that you only invite members who are at least 13 years old.
  1. On the Information tab, click Parish Life.
  2. Select Email Invitation.
  3. Select Existing Members, then click Next.
  4. Use the selections to build a list of members you want to invite, then click Next.
  5. Review the list to ensure that these are the members who should be invited to use Parish Life.

    To help ensure the safe protection of children online, this list does not include individuals whose Member Type is "Child" or "Other".

    To allow members with these types to use Parish Life, you must invite them using your Login URL so they can register themselves. They must agree to the Parish Life Terms and Privacy Policy, ensuring that they are at least 13 years old.

  6. When you're ready to send the invitations, click Send.

An email is sent to each selected member that includes instructions on completing their invitation and logging in to Parish Life.

After you've invited them, members can create a password and log in to Parish Life. There, they can add and edit their own information. Members will not show up in the Parish Directory until they select to share their profile.