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Show Mass Times in Parish Life

Parishioners can view Mass or Liturgical Service information in Parish Life on mobile devices. You can add dates and times that display for members to view and select to attend.

In this process, you'll define your weekly Masses or Liturgical Services, then upload them based on a date range. It's up to you if you want to post one week at a time or an entire year, for example.

You can upload other information during this process, but this procedure focuses on uploading Mass times only.

Note: In Parish Life, the term "Mass" or "Liturgical Service" will display based on your version of PDS Church Office. If you're using the Orthodox version, parishioners see "Liturgical Service". Otherwise, they see "Mass".
  1. On the Information tab, click Parish Life.
  2. Select Upload Member Information, and click Next.
  3. Select Upload Changes and Upload Mass Times. You can clear any other options you don't want to upload right now. Click Next.
Define Your Masses or Liturgical Services
  1. In the top grid, click the add icon green plus sign, and enter the weekly Mass information.
    Tip: Members will see all of this information. If needed, the Note field can serve as additional information that parishioners need to know, such as the Mass location, language, or intention.
  2. If needed, enter a number for the Maximum Number of Attendees. This is useful if you have limited space for a certain Mass.
    Note: Members will see the number of spaces available for each Mass or Liturgical Service. They can confirm attendance for the number of members in their family plus five guests. If you don't enter a maximum, it shows that there is unlimited space available.
  3. Repeat this for each Mass or Liturgical Service you want to include.
Upload for a Date Range
  1. In the top grid, select the Masses or Liturgical Services you want to post.
  2. Select the date range to post. You can post as many weeks as needed. But remember, members will see a list of these in Parish Life, so you may want to keep it short for mobile readability.
  3. To automatically add the selected items for the date range you entered, click Add to Upload List.
    They are added to the List of Masses to Upload grid.
  4. Review the list to upload, and make any necessary changes, if needed.
  5. Optional: If you want to remove all existing Masses in Parish Life and replace them with only the Masses in your list, select Delete All Existing Mass Data on the App.
    CAUTION: If any members have selected to attend a Mass, this will remove them from the Mass Attendees list in Parish Life. However, this is necessary for removing the selected Masses.
  6. Click Next.
  7. If needed, enter your parish contact information.
  8. When you're ready, click Upload.

This information displays to members in Parish Life under Mass Times or Liturgical Service Times. Members can select which dates and times they plan to attend. Once a date/time has passed, it is automatically removed from this process and from Parish Life.

Remove Mass Times

You may need to remove a Mass time from Parish Life if it is no longer accurate or isn't going to occur.

  1. On the Information tab, click Parish Life.
  2. Select Upload Member Information, and click Next.
  3. Select Upload Changes and Upload Mass Times. You can clear any other options you don't want to upload right now. Click Next.
  4. Select the Mass, click the delete icon red minus sign, and click Yes to confirm. Repeat this for each Mass you want to remove from Parish Life.
  5. Select Delete All Existing Mass Data on the App.
    CAUTION: If any members have selected to attend a Mass, this will remove them from the Mass Attendees list in Parish Life. However, this is necessary for removing the selected Masses.
  6. Click Next.
  7. If needed, enter your parish contact information.
  8. When you're ready, click Upload.