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Update Member Ministries

CAUTION: This process alters data. We recommend backing up your data before proceeding.
With this process, you can update the ministry status and date on multiple records. You can also print a list based on the selected ministries.
CAUTION: This process replaces existing grid entries in the Ministries/Talents window. To add new entries instead, see Post Ministries.
Note: When entering ministry dates, you can set approximate dates by clicking the down arrow (to the left of the calendar icon).
  1. On the Information tab, click Members > Processes > Ministry Manager.
  2. Make selections to include members with a certain ministry, status, or date. Click Next.
  3. Select whether to post changes for all members or only those you select.
    Note: For help with conditions, see the Additional Selections section in the topic, Report Selections.
  4. Select to include only active, only inactive, or all members. Click Next.
  5. To assign different ministry details to each member, select the first option. Or, to assign the same details to your entire list, select the second option, and choose whether to keep the old information, add new information, or remove the existing information. Click Next.
  6. Review your list. If needed, add or edit any ministry details. When you're ready to post to the selected individuals, click Next.
    Note: To print a list of member names, contact information (if selected), ministries, statuses, and dates, click Print Selected List.
  7. To post, click Finish.