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Post eGiving

  • Make sure you have set up your eGiving provider. We have arrangements with companies you can use.
  • If you use Abundant, Vanco, or ACH, navigate to the family's record, and in the Rates/History/Keywds window, enter the terms and rates for payment. Select Using eGiving (EFT), and click EFT Info. Enter the values or this rate, then click Save/OK.
  • If you use Vanco, you can use their card reader to import gifts made by credit or debit card. For more information, see Vanco Card Reader.
Note: When you pull in transactions, PDS checks the date, amount, and activity to prevent duplicates. Note, however, that if a gift changes after you import, it may display and be available to import again. For example, if you import a gift with the activity of "Offering", then the activity is changed to "Tithes", that gift would display again when you import for that date range.

You can transfer electronic giving directly from families' accounts into your organization's account.

  1. On the Information tab, click Contributions > Quick Posting > eGiving.
  2. Select your transfer type.
  3. Make your selections. If you use PDS Ledger or QuickBooks, you can export batch totals.
    CAUTION: Never select an ending date beyond today's date. This can trigger future transactions and result in insufficient funds.
    • For Direct Debit File, you can enter an override batch date that displays instead of the scheduled payment date.
    • For a transfer type other than Abundant, Vanco, or ACH File, enter the name of the file provided to you.
    Note: Files for Smart Payment Solution and SMART Tuition Mgmt Services require a heading line. All other transfer types accept files with or without a heading, and the program detects whether a heading is present.
  4. Click Next, and review your list of transactions. If needed, add or edit any information.
  5. Click Search/Filter in List if you need to locate certain transactions based on the fund number, date, activity, ID, name, amount, or check number.
    • Select Filter the List to see only the results you want.
    • Select Search in the List to jump to a certain transaction while still seeing the entire batch. If multiple transactions match your search, this works like the filter and only shows those results in the list.
    • Click Clear Filter to see all the transactions in the batch again.
  6. If a transaction is a memorial donation, select it and click Memorial Donation. Select or enter a member or non-member name, then click Select/OK.
  7. When you're ready to post to the selected records, click Next.
  8. To begin transferring, click Process eGiving.
    Each file is transmitted to the company of your choice, and the transactions post to the family's window.
  9. When the transfer is complete, select the reports you want to print.

If you're using Abundant or Vanco, see Transaction Processing Times for information on how long it will take to process eGiving.

Posted transactions are marked with one of the following values in the Check column:
  • EFT—Transactions posted with Vanco Payment Solutions, ParishPay, FACTS, or SMART types. This displays after the funds have been received.
  • EFT-Pend—Pending transactions posted with ACH file types. This is similar to an entry for a check that hasn't cleared the bank yet. Use the report from your eGiving company to manually change the status of any entry that is in error or denotes insufficient funds.
  • EFT-Req—A payment is required from the family. This is automatically marked during the Pledge Card quick posting if you add an initial payment for a family who wants to pay electronically. You can then enter the family's account information and the initial transaction date. After you run the eGiving and the Check Batch Status processes, this is replaced by EFT, EFT-ISF, or EFT-Error.
  • EFT-ISF—Insufficient funds. This doesn't count as a payment or count toward the totals.
  • EFT-Error—Error during processing. This doesn't count as a payment or count toward the totals.
  • Online—Transactions were posted online with Vanco Payment Solutions.
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