Abundant for PDS Church Office
Your one-stop-shop for all Abundant resources.
With our eGiving solution, Abundant, you can accept collections and appeals through online, mobile, and text giving. All donation and payment processing services through Abundant integrate seamlessly with PDS Church Office. Here are some resources to help you succeed.
Help Topics
- Online Giving by Date - This report is handy for working with Abundant transactions since it only prints contributions marked with "Online" in the Check number field. You can find it under Contribution Listing Reports.
- One Line Posting Report by Batch Number - This report is helpful if you post Abundant batches separately from your regular contributions. You can find it under Contribution Listing Reports.
Launch Abundant Giving - Provides handouts, slides, offering cards, and more!
Abundant Overview
Learn all about our eGiving solution and the integration with your PDS Office product. 14 min 35 sec
Getting Started with Abundant
Learn how to choose a text keyword, enable the processing cost feature, set up eGiving in PDS, and complete the initial setup of your Abundant site. 5 min 30 sec
Abundant Giving Forms
Learn how to customize your giving forms to have a unique look and tailored messaging for your parish's activities and appeals. 5 min 3 sec
Abundant Administrative Features
Learn about the administrative features that help you manage your donations, like contributing on behalf of a parishioner, viewing scheduled gifts and pending transactions, and seeing deposited batches. 2 min 6 sec
Import Abundant Contributions
Learn how to import parishioner donations from Abundant into PDS. 1 min 18 sec