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Post Attendance

With this quick posting, you can post attendance for meetings (such as choir practice, Bible study, or Sunday Mass) to multiple records simultaneously. This information displays in the individual's Attendance window.

  1. On the Information tab, click Students > Quick Posting > Attendance.
  2. Select whether to mark attendance for an entire class on one date, for multiple dates, or for individual students.
  3. If you selected View an Entire Class/Session List for One Date:
    1. Click Next, then select the class/session. Select whether to include only active, only inactive, or all students.
    2. If you also want to mark catechist attendance for this class/session, select the checkbox.
    3. To assign different attendance to each individual, select the first option. Or, to assign the same attendance for your entire list, select the second option, and enter the attendance details. Click Next.
    4. Select the records you want to post, then click Next.
  4. If you selected View an Entire Class/Session List using Multiple Dates:
    1. Click Next, then select the class/session. Select whether to include only active, only inactive, or all students.
    2. If you also want to mark catechist attendance for this class/session, select the checkbox.
    3. To mark attendance for all dates the class met, select the first option. Or, to mark specific dates, select the second option, and enter the date range.
    4. If you want to post "Present" for the dates, select the checkbox. Click Next.
  5. If you selected Enter Individual Names:
    1. Click Next, then enter the attendance date.
    2. Select a student name, or click in the ID field and scan a student's badge. Enter the attendance information, then click Add Student to List.
      Tip: You can run the Student ID Card with Barcode report to create badges. When marking attendance, use a handheld scanner to input each student's ID from their printed badge.
    3. Repeat this for each record you want to process. When you're finished, click Next.
  6. Review your list. If needed, add or edit any attendance information. When you're ready to post to the selected records, click Next.
  7. To post, click Finish.