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Move Fund Entries

CAUTION: This process alters data. We recommend backing up your data before proceeding.

You can move every occurrence of the activity you specify, for the date you specify, to the correct activity, date, or batch.

  1. On the Information tab, click Contributions > Processes > Move Fund Entries.
  2. Select the fund, date, activity, and batch number of the data that was entered incorrectly.
    Note: If you select Any <Category>, all entries for the category are included in the selection list.
  3. Make your changes to the fund, date, and/or activity fields. Select Keep Same to leave the selection as is, or enter a value to make a change.
  4. Click Next.
  5. Review your list. When you're ready to process the selected records, click Next.
  6. To move the entries, click Finish.

Split a Batch of Fund Entries

CAUTION: This process alters data. We recommend backing up your data before proceeding.

You can move fund entries to a new batch.

  1. On the Information tab, click Contributions > Processes > Move Fund Entries.
  2. Select the fund, date, activity, and batch number of the entries you want to move to a new batch.
    Note: If you select Any <Category>, all entries for the category are included in the selection list.
  3. If needed, select a new fund ID, date, and/or activity. Or, select Keep Same to leave the selection as is.
  4. For Batch Number, select Split Batch - Assign the Next Batch Number to Selected Entries.
  5. Click Next.
  6. Review your list. When you're ready to move the selected records to the next unused batch number, click Next.
  7. To move the entries, click Finish.
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