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Verify Changes from Parish Life

Once members start using Parish Life, they may add or update their contact information. You can pull in additions/changes from members and update your PDS data.

  1. On the Information tab, click Parish Life.
  2. Select Synchronize Member Data Added Or Changed Online, and click Next.
  3. Select the check box next to the member you want to add or update.
  4. Review the member information. If a match is found in your data, make any necessary selections to update their record. Differences show in blue text, and they change to green text once you've made a selection.
  5. Repeat these steps for each member in the list that you want to update.
  6. If there are any records you don't want to synchronize right now, select Skip For Now.
    Note: No information is changed for records you skip during this process. These changes are held and display next time you verify changes or upload data.
  7. When you're ready to process the changes for the selected members and skip the selected records, click Sync.
  8. You're prompted to upload the changes to Parish Life.
    • If you chose to keep any information from the PDS record instead of syncing from the member, click Yes to go to start the Data Upload process.
    • Otherwise, if you're just syncing with PDS, you can click No.

The synchronized changes display in Parish Life. Any records you selected to skip will display next time you verify changes or upload member information.