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Getting Started Checklist

Want to start using your program right away? Use the Getting Started Checklist to track areas to set up before using the program.

On the Home Screen, click Getting Started Checklist to display the checklist. To show or hide this button, click the gear icon black gear with hole in the middle. On the Home Screen tab, select or clear Show the Getting Started Checklist Button.

If you want to learn more about getting around in your program, read the rest of the Getting Started section, then come back to the checklist later.

Note: You can access online help from within the program by pressing F1 on your keyboard or clicking the help icon white question mark in a blue circle in the top-right corner of your program. A topic related to your current program window displays in your Internet browser. And check out the useful videos in our PDS Video Library by clicking the video player icon .

For a checklist of tasks to help you get started with the Payroll portion of the program, see the Payroll Getting Started Checklist.


Once the program is installed, do the following:

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