Log of User Activity
The Log of User Activity records the date, time, and user name associated with certain changes made in the program. This allows you to see what changes have been made in the program. If the program administrator doesn't require a user name to enter the program, the name displays as "PDS User".
On the Administration tab, click View User Log. To reorder the log, use the Order By drop-down list. To print a report of activity, click Log Report.
Filtering the Log
To search for a specific log entry, click Filter. Enter the user name, activity performed, or program name you want to find. To search for results within a specific date range or date/time range, select the option and enter the values. Click Filter/OK. Your filter is applied until you click Clear Filter.
Deleting Log Entries
Administrators can click Delete Log Entries to delete log entries before a specified date. In the Delete Entries Before field, enter a cut-off date, or click the calendar icon to select a date. All entries prior to the date entered are deleted when you click Yes.
Watch & Learn
Learn to log the reason for significant changes in the User Log, along with when it was done and by whom. 5 min 19 sec
It may take a minute for the video to display. To enlarge the video, click the Fullscreen icon in the video player (beside the play button).
To watch more videos, visit the PDS Video Library.