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Customize Your Home Screen

The Home Screen displays when you start the program. From here, you can use the ribbon, tabs, navigation panes, and Quick Access toolbar to navigate through the program. You can also view any announcements from the PDS team by clicking PDS News on the Home Screen.

From any program window, you can go to the Home Screen by clicking the home icon blue outline of a house on the Quick Access toolbar.

You can customize your Home Screen by:
  • Adding a photo background
  • Displaying or hiding the Getting Started Checklist and New User Checklist buttons
  • Moving and resizing items in the window
  1. In the bottom-right corner of your Home Screen, click the gear icon black gear with hole in the middle.
  2. On the Home Screen tab, make your selections.
    Tip: You can change the program name to customize your program or to indicate which organization you're working with if you have multiple locations.
  3. Click Save/OK.
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