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View Statistics on the Dashboard

The Dashboard is a customizable, statistics-at-a-glance feature where you can readily track the data that most interests you.

  1. On the Other Information tab, click Dashboard > Dashboard Display.
  2. Click a graph on the dashboard to expand it for a better view of the data.
    1. Use the options at the bottom of the window if you need to customize, print, copy, or export the information.
    2. Click the + and - buttons to increase or decrease the range of data displayed in the graph.
    3. Click Autosize to show the full range of data you have entered in the program.
    4. Click Close to return to the dashboard.
  3. You can customize the information you see on the dashboard. On the Other Information tab, click Dashboard > Dashboard Setup.
  4. Click Add Section. Select the options you want, and click Save.