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Post Personnel Pictures

With this quick posting, you can add pictures to multiple personnel records. To display properly in the program, pictures must be a digital format accessible to your computer.

We recommend creating a folder or directory on your hard disk to store picture files. This makes it easier to share the pictures if you're running the program on a network. If you want to include picture files in your regular data backup, create the picture folder as a subfolder of your Data folder. Pictures stored outside of the Data folder are not included in the backup.

Including the picture files in your regular data backup increases the size of your backup file. Consider creating a separate backup of your picture files on media that can store larger amounts of data, such as a DVD, CD-ROM, or external hard drive.

  1. On the Personnel tab, click All Personnel or the appropriate personnel section then Quick Posting > Pictures.
  2. Select whether to use automatic updating or individual entry, then click Next.
  3. Select which personnel type to process, and click Next.

    If you select a type other than All Personnel, the picture is only posted for that type. For example, if you select Catechist, and the person you want to update is both a catechist and volunteer, their picture is only posted in the Catechist window. Their Volunteer record is not updated.

    To post pictures to all sections, select All Personnel.

  4. If you selected automatic updating:
    1. Make selections to build your list of records to process, then click Next.
    2. To assign different pictures to each person, select the first option. Or, to assign the same picture to your entire list, select the second option, and enter the path where the image is located on your computer. Click Next.
      Tip: If you want to remove all existing personnel pictures, select the second option and leave the file path blank.
  5. If you selected individual entry:
    1. Select an individual, enter the path of the image located on your computer, and click Add <Personnel Type> to List.
    2. Repeat this for each record you want to process. When you're finished, click Next.
  6. Review your list. If needed, add or edit any picture file paths. When you're ready to post to the selected records, click Next.
  7. To post, click Finish.
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