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Add/Edit Family Tool

The Add/Edit Family Tool is your one-stop-shop to add new individuals to the Platform or edit information for existing individuals, whether you're at your desk or on the go.

  • This tool creates or updates an individual's Contact, Household, and Participant records all at the same time.
  • If configured, the address search to add and edit addresses autocompletes, which ensures accuracy.
  • Alternate Addresses (think: snowbirds) can be added using the Alt Address tab.
    Note: Adding an alternate address does not create an Other Household record.
  • You can opt to create a Donor record, but you can't edit Donor records in the Add/Edit Family Tool.
  • Select the Heads are Married option to establish a "Married to" Relationship for the heads of household. Add "Parent Of" and "Child Of" relationships for heads of household and minor children.
  • The Audit Log that tracks the information records any changes made with the Add/Edit Family Tool. For example, if you update an individual's email address through the tool, the Audit Log of that person's Contact record shows the change. The only exception is for addresses you create using the tool - those changes are recorded in the Audit Log of the Household's record. Updates to addresses made in the tool are recorded in the Audit Log of the Address record only.
  • The Add/Edit Family Tool does not remove people from Households. See Split Households for additional information.
  • The tool can be launched from a page or an open record. If you open the tool from a page, you'll need to search for the Family before you add it as a new one. It's a measure-twice-cut-once situation.
    Tip: The New Family button is only enabled after you press Enter on your search for an existing family.
  • This tool is available on mobile, making it easy to update families in the moment.

Screenshot of the Add/Edit Family tool with an individual selected and their information displayed

Note: To use this tool, you must have access through your security role. SPoCs can grant user access to this tool.

Add/Edit Family Tool Configuration Settings

This tool relies on several configuration settings:

COMMON, GoogleMapsAPIKey
If enabled, allows the Household Address to autocomplete the Household Address. See Google Maps API Key for setup information.
COMMON, defaultCongregationID
The default Congregation assigned to the Household if no Congregation is selected.
COMMON, HouseholdSourceID
The default Household Source that will be assigned to a Household created by the tool if no Household Source is selected.
COMMON, defaultParticipantType
The default Participant Type that will be assigned to Participants created using the Add/Edit Family Tool if no Participant Type is selected.
COMMON, DefaultCountryCode
The default Country Code applied to any newly created Household if no Country is selected.
The default State applied to any newly created Household if no State is selected.
CORETOOLS, AgeGroupMemberRoleID
The Group Role ID assigned to Participants added to an Age or Grade Group using the Add/Edit Family Tool.
TOOLS, AgeGroupTypeID
The value you defined in this configuration setting is used when presenting selections for the Age Group field in the tool.

Add or Edit a Family

Before you add someone new via the Add/Edit Family Tool, be sure to search for them by name or phone number in the tool to prevent duplicate contacts.

  1. Go to a page that displays families or open an individual's record.
  2. From the Tools menu, select Add/Edit Family.
  3. If you launched the tool from an individual's record, that individual is automatically selected. Otherwise, search for the individual or family by name or phone number.
  4. If no individual or family is found, click New Family.
  5. Add or edit the last name, congregation, home phone, and source.
    Tip: To add an international phone number, enter a plus sign (+) in the field. You can then enter up to 15 characters.
  6. Add, remove, or edit the address information.
    • If an address is shared among two or more households when edited, a new address record is created and the other household's address remains unchanged.
    • If you don't know the address because the family has moved and has not answered your request for information, we recommend you remove the information rather than entering the word "undeliverable" for the address.
  7. Add or edit the family member information.
    1. If Head of House 1 and Head of House 2 are married, select Heads are Married. This creates a "Married to" contact relationship between the two heads. If you already selected this option, the "Married to" relationship already exists. Clear the check box to End Date the "Married to" Contact Relationship.
    2. A Grade Group drop-down menu displays all available groups with a Group Type of "Age" or "Grade Group". If you select a new or different Grade Group is, the family member is added as an active Group Participant in the selected Group with the Group Role specified in the CORETOOLS, AgeGroupMemberRoleID Configuration Setting. If you clear an existing Grade Group, the family member's Group Participant record for that group will be end-dated. Other Age or Grade Groups are not affected.
  8. Click Add New Family Member to add additional family members to the Household. There is no limit to the number of family members that can be added to or edited for the Household.
  9. Click Save.
    You'll see a confirmation message, and the tool refreshes with a blank form so you can search again if needed.
  10. Close the tool.

The information you entered is used to create or update the Household, Contact, and Participant records.

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